Friday, March 11, 2011

No Clever Title

What a day. It was all choir related too.
I'm feeling pretty "off" today. Things are not in the swing of things.
We drove to Chicago this morning, I saw my sister, and in the middle of my day with her, I got news from an old choir friend back home. Our choir director from high school would be leaving in the fall. I know he's a former choir director, but he seriously changed my life, and so many others. I was choking up all afternoon and then finally called my friend Spencer, and just let it go. I was stupidly crying while pacing back and forth on Navy Pier. I probably shouldn't be this upset, but I don't even care. He completely changed the Northfield High School music department. Our choir is now legendary. A few people from my current choir at Concordia know so much about Mr. Jilek and they're all "You're from Northfield?! Your choir is amazing!" and I was all "Hell yeah!" and now..I'm just sad. I can't believe the legacy will be ending. Unfortunately, I had to have a choir concert tonight. On the bus on the way to the church I was just trying to hold back my tears and compose myself so I wouldn't cry. So that was a bit difficult..and then things got worse.
My current director at CSP is kind of a cheese ball, not in a bad way, but hey, he definitely likes to say some meaningful stuff. So for the last concert at devotions, he says some things about each individual choir member. He went around and said some things to other people, and I was fine, then he got to me. He mentioned my past and where I came from and that it was a great program at NHS. That was just..perfect. I can't believe that was mentioned today of all days. I was going a little out of control in my head. Then he said that I have a beautiful voice and he wishes that he had pulled me into trying out for some solos. Wow. He also mentioned my energy and fun nature. All that combined just made me want to cry. So I did eventually. I couldn't keep it together anymore. My "talent" came from that amazing choir program back home. And now it's different. Poor old Spencer is a senior next year and Jilek won't be there anymore. I can't imagine how I'd feel if he left before I was a senior. Wow.
Wow. Emotional night. I can't even think.

Not today.

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