Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Summer Hath Begun

Well this is strange. I'm sitting on my front lawn with my dog, and I'm here until August. Eek. That's an awful long time. Luckily my sister leaves in about a week. She's changed, not gonna lie. Not necessarily in a good way either. I thought once she grew up she'd be really chill, more fun, and..just a better person. But she hasn't changed yet. She's never thankful for what she has, and she has no respect for my parents which just drives me insane. Yeah I'm sometimes disrespectful to my parents, but I never swear outwardly at them. That is just so extreme and awful! I don't know how my parents put up with it. Like, she is still depending on them for rent this summer, and if I were them I'd threaten to take away the money. But whatever. Not my kid. If I'm ever a mom I won't put up with that kind of crap.

So next on the docket- I'm home from my first year of college! How crazy is that?? I kind of wish it wasn't possible to go home for the summer. I have a bad feeling about this summer. I honestly just don't want to live with my parents. There is no freedom at home. It's not fair. UGH. Whatever. We'll see how things go.

And my life is pretty adult now. Like, I pretty much take care of myself, and I'm pretty responsible for my age. Most crazy is the boy situation in my life. Damn. I mean, I'm not going to talk about it here, but if you're a friend, we'll talk about it later. It's intense.
I regret telling my sister about it actually. I always regret telling her stuff now. I'm always like "I want to tell her!" then regret it, but this time I didn't even want to that much but she made me tell her.
Maybe we're just not as close anymore. Since I'm adopted I feel like we're forced friends and this is the time of our lives where we're supposed to drift, but since we're "family" we can't. That sucks.
But whatever. I don't really feel like my family is THAT much of a family to me anyway. I think after I'm out of college I'll be that family member that people are all like "Oh I haven't heard from her in a while" and honestly, it's kind of what I want. I don't need a family that isn't legit. I don't feel part of it, and it's not upsetting or anything, just seems kind of like a waste of time.

And I'm sick of my mom nagging about jobs. I've applied, I had an interview, and find out by Friday. I have backups.
And of course we have a family friend that needs a dog sitter all summer, but they'd want the person to live there, so of course my parents are like "ehh I don't think you'd like it". Whatever mom. It's room and board, money, and me NOT AT HOME. I think that'd be wonderful. I wouldn't ever have to be home..
AHHHHHH! I could just go home for dinner. And then run around Northfield all summer! That'd be awesome!
GAH. We'll see. I'm going to email them if I don't get the job at Bath&Body works. I find out about that by Friday or Saturday.
Tomorrow morning nanny interview.

Let's hope something happens here.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Once Upon a Freshman Year

Currently I'm sitting backstage at the musical production of Once Upon a Mattress at CSP, and I'm just reflecting. What a year. I was talking with Sarah a bit about it last night and she and I were saying that sooo much has happened in the last year. "We were here in AUGUST!" [Direct quote from last night.]

Okay, list of random things I can remember from August through May:

1. Moving in to room 202S.
2. Getting out of the worst relationship in human history.
3. Meeting Sarah and company.
4. Tartuffe
5. Epic adventures with Sarah.
6. Feeling like I deserve to be treated right by a male figure.
7. Another bout of pain with the stomach.
8. CSP Christmas concerts..
9. Tonsil removal. [Grrrr.]
10. Moving back and having that wonderful night with Kate.
11. Getting cast in Once Upon a Mattress
12. Even better, that feeling when I got cast as Maria in UP.
13. The read-through for UP. [What a good day..]
14. The process for UP.
15. Eh, the process for Once Upon a Mattress I suppose. Haha it was fine, but not quite as magical.
16. Christus choir tour!!!!!!!!!!
17. BOE?!
18. Those few weeks of hell when I would have class from 10-4, then rehearsal from 4 to 10 or later. WOW.
19. Performing UP.
20. Moving on to just working on Mattress
21. Becoming so very close with Rachel V!! <3
22. Open Stage
23. Performing Mattress

That's all the reminiscing for now..


Okay, not really, but that sounded hella dramatic.