Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I got a cliche for you-

What is love?

Google it. You will find hundreds of thousands of entries that give you quotes from children, definitions from middle aged women and newlyweds, and links to the song "What Is Love?" by Haddaway.
You can find it all on google. But it's never defined as one specific thing-

How do we know its even a real thing?

Could it all be a big practical joke? Like a kid putting Seran wrap on the toilet bowl, did someone come up with it and think "That'd be fucking hilarious to see!"

Maybe way back in BC, Eve had a scheme. With her fucked up ideas and invalid utopia, Garden of Eden was created. This false plot created a wonderland that we see and are all caught up in nowadays.

Is this likely fable what we're living for? If not for wealth or knowledge, are we living in fiction?

Eve is living forever like the Voldemort of love and laughing her ass off every time we utter those god damn words.
